2024/25 Oklahoma Heritage Preservation Grant Application
Ends on
Rules governing this grant program may be found here.
Email Communication:
Please note that the email you use as the login for this platform is the email address that will be used to contact your organization for all activities related to this grant process. Be sure that the email address utilized is checked regularly. This email address should also belong to the individual who can answer questions related to this grant application.
Application Questions? If you have questions regarding the content of the application, you may contact 405-522-5202 or grants@history.ok.gov
Technical Questions? If you have questions or need help with this platform (i.e., login issues, trouble uploading a file, compatibility issues), please contact Submittable. You may do so via email at support@submittable.com or visit https://www.submittable.com/help/submitter/. For a list of FAQ visit https://submittable.help/en/collections/185534-submitters.